Are you coming to Wine Country? It’s a big place! Are you looking for Wine Tours? Did you know wine country includes both Napa and Sonoma counties? In fact, when you tour wine country you might want to book a trip up the Napa Valley as well as one up the Sonoma Valley.

If you’re going to do wine country wine tours, and you want to do Sonoma County wine tours, you might consider the Wine and Weed Tour of the Valley of The Moon. By combining both the fruit of the vine and the bud of the vine in one tour, guests learn to appreciate the similarities in production, the affect of terroir on the final product and the varietals which are popular in 420 culture.
So, remember: Wine Country is a big region in Northern California which includes Napa and Sonoma Counties (the “Heart” of Wine Country). This area is now also known as “Weed Country” and Happy Travelers Tours offers a wonderful experience of Sonoma County Weed Country – from “seed-to-sale”. Book your tour today!