Marijuana Seeds in my Weed
Marijuana Seeds in my weed, should I try to grow them
We were searching the internet for content about marijuana seeds and we came on a couple of articles which talk about the concept of "bag seed" and what to do with those seeds. Bottom line, if you find a seed in your weed, you need to consider the following:
- Are the seeds Good or Bad
- Is the Strain one you like
- Are you prepared to Grow
- Is the seed Viable
- What about Germination
- Do you know about Cannabis seeds?
- Regular
- Feminized
- Auto-Flowering
Are the seeds Good or Bad?
Congratulations, you’ve found a seed. More specifically a bagseed, which is what marijuana seeds found in packaged flower are commonly called. Maybe congratulations aren’t quite in order. Depending on where it came from, who you ask, and if the seed is viable or not will affect your level of excitement.
Anyone who has been smoking cannabis for some time has undoubtedly come across a bagseed. Sometimes you’ll notice a cannabis seed when grinding down some flower or you’ll see it pop, spark, and crackle as the heat of your lit bowl pops the precious kernel within.
Bagseed: Good or Bad Weed Seeds – that is the question
If found before lighting it on fire, the first thought from excited smokers is: “Let’s grow some weed!” But before you jump in headfirst, ask yourself a few questions to help decide if it’s worth the time and energy to grow the seed.
Seeds found in finished cannabis flower can develop for a number of reasons. A nearby male plant can accidentally pollinate a flowering female. More commonly, though, they’re a sign of stress and can be attributed to high temperatures during the final stages of flowering or an exaggerated spike in climate or environment.
Seeds can also form in plants with genetic disorders or instability, like hermaphrodites—plants that develop both male and female reproductive parts. Generally these conditions are viewed as negatives, and for that reason alone, temper your expectations with any plants you start from a bagseed.
Is the Cannabis Seed You Found from Good Cannabis?
Sometimes you’ll get lucky and find a mature seed in some really nice herb. Strains like the legendary Chemdog wouldn’t be possible without adventurous smokers planting and proliferating the seeds they found in a bag of kind bud.
So don’t discount your bud just because there’s a seed or two in it. While not ideal, it could be the origins of the next great cannabis strain.
The first and most apparent question you should ask yourself is whether you enjoy the cannabis that the seed turned up in. If you don’t like the flavor, effects, or even the looks of the bud, then it’s probably not worth growing.
The second question you should ask yourself is:
Are You Ready to Grow?
Fear not! If you’re simply curious to learn how cannabis grows and less concerned with the overall outcome, you can plant a couple of bagseeds outside and see what the result are.
However, growing cannabis takes a certain level of commitment. Plants need nurturing for months in the right environment with a close eye for detail. All this takes investment. Whether it’s time, energy, or financial resources, you’ll have to commit to the whole process if you want to produce something you’re proud of.
If you’re ready for a more serious approach, make sure you have the space for a proper garden and pop the seeds to see what fruit they bear.
Is the Weed Seed Viable?
There are a few indicators that will give you a sense of whether the seed is worth germinating. Immature seeds tend to be light in color and have a soft outer shell.
Visual signs like tiger stripes—dark stripes that resemble tiny roots or veins on a leaf—are generally good. A seed with a solid shell will withstand a little pressure when pinched between your fingers. If it crumbles or cracks, the seed will be effectively destroyed, but don’t agonize over your loss.
Stress on a plant and unstable environments can produce bagseeds, and often, a bagseed’s viability is questionable at best.
In some cases, even if a seed isn’t completely mature, there’s still a chance it could be viable. But often these are extremely weak, take long to develop, and express other unfavorable characteristics. Growers usually discard weak plants to free up space in their limited gardens.
You might also find a mature seed that has been physically damaged through poor handling, like rough trimming. In those cases, it probably isn’t worth the effort to try and germinate the seed.
But if the seeds you found look decent or even questionable, you might as well germinate them and see what sprouts.
Time to Germinate
Viable or not, there’s only one sure way to find out. Once you’ve decided you’re going to see what those beans can do, it’s time to germinate. Germination is the incubation period that encourages seeds to sprout and develop into a new plant.
We recommend getting the seed wet and placing into a damp paper towel. Keep the towel slightly moist and wait. Water triggers the seed to start softening the shell and letting the tap root out. Once the tap root is exposed you’re ready to put the seed into a tray and get that sprout turned into a seedling!
Even if your seed sprouts fast and grows vigorously, it has roughly a 50/50 chance of being female and producing seedless, cannabinoid-rich flowers.
Remember, once a seed germinates, the real work begins. Sexing, selecting, vegetative growth, flowering, and the eventual harvest all lie ahead.
So, let’s talk about Marijuana seeds
Cannabis seeds are considered cannabis products just like flower, edibles, and concentrates. Their legality depends on which state you live in. People living in states with adult-use legalization can buy, produce, and sell seeds within their own state, but seeds can’t cross state lines. People living in states with medical legalization can only buy seeds if they have a medical card.
Seed banks exist outside of the US and can sell them for “souvenir purposes,” but it is illegal to bring seeds into the US and Customs will seize any cannabis seeds that they find in packages or on a person.
What’s the Difference Between Regular, Feminized, and Autoflower Seeds?
- Regular Seeds
If you buy a packet of regular seeds, they’ll come with a mix of males and females. A lot of cultivators prefer to grow these because they haven’t been backcrossed—essentially inbred—as much as feminized or autoflower seeds. You’ll need to sex out the seeds once their reproductive organs show during the flowering phase and discard the males (because they don’t produce buds and will pollenate females, resulting in seeded flowers).
- Feminized Seeds
Seeds can come feminized, meaning that you can just put them in soil and start growing for buds. These seeds are guaranteed to be bud-producing females, and growing them cuts out the step of having to sex out plants and discard the males.
It also reduces the risk of having a stray male sneak into your crop—just one male can pollinate a huge crop, causing your females to focus their energies on producing seeds instead of buds.
- Autoflower Seeds
Autoflower plants change from the vegetative to flowering state with age, not the changing of their light cycle. They have a short grow-to-harvest time and can be ready to harvest in as little as 2 ½ to 3 months from when you put the seeds in the ground. The downside is that, typically, they are less potent, but autoflower seeds are great for people who want to grow cannabis but don’t want to spend a lot of time doing it.
You can learn more about Cultivation by reading our Blog Post Cannabis Cultivation Outdoors or our post Cannabis Cultivation Indoors or you can Book one of our Wine-and-Weed Tours and ask our Cultivators questions!
Cannabis Cultivation Outdoors: A Primer
Cannabis cultivation often brings to mind intense-looking lamps and ventilation tubes hanging over a warehouse of vibrant, glowing buds. I’m here to tell you that you can grow and harvest your own marijuana just as easily as one might grow an outdoor tomato plant. Here’s how:
Buy some seeds:
- Yes, you should probably buy some high quality, feminized seeds from a reputable salesperson, either online or at your local dispensary. You’ll likely want an autoflowering strain for your first go around as well. This ensures that all your efforts will be rewarded with a bountiful harvest instead of accidentally growing a male plant from a seed you found in your uncle’s 30-year old skunkweed that fell behind the couch.
Germinate the seeds:
- This step is optional but has been proven to give an improved germination rate. The process is simple, submerge the seeds in a cup of water overnight or for a day. A shot glass amount of water will do. After 24 hours you will likely see what is called the taproot emerging from the seed
Plant the seeds:
- While it sounds obvious enough, what you plant your seeds in actually matters a whole lot. Most people like to start their seeds in what is called a “starter cube”. These cubes can be made of anything from peat moss to a proprietary blend of organic, mycorrhizal materials but the important thing is they have everything baby plants love. You don’t need to worry much about light until the plants’ first “true” leaves appear.
- This is something you are going to be doing a lot of as cannabis sucks up water almost as fast as it sucks up sunlight (more on this later). As with any seedling, be careful not to drown your babies before their stems and roots become strong enough to withstand some light flooding.
- After a few weeks your seedlings will be adolescents and ready for an upgrade to their living situation. You can tell they are ready when roots are bursting from the sides and bottom of their start cube. Transplanting can be stressful for young plants so make sure to take care of their delicate root systems. Luckily with starter cubes there is no old soil or small pot to contend with and you can plop the cube right into a prepared hole. Bury the stem about an inch into the soil for extra root strength and stem support. Now whether you decided to go for the portable, reusable fabric pots or just dug a hole in your yard hoping for the best, soil quality still matters. Ideally buy a bag (or two) of top-quality, organic soil. Brand does not matter so much as the contents of the fertilizer. A good rule of thumb for soil contents is to grow the plant like you would a tomato plant. All successful grows start with quality soil. This is because the plant and soil have a complex relationship that is beyond the scope of this article. Essentially the soil is alive and has a mutually beneficial relationship with whatever is growing in it. In our case, making sure to have healthy, organic soil ensures we have healthy, organic bud come harvest time.
- Again, similar to tomatoes. These sexy ladies want all the light you can give them, the more the better. However, there are several considerations to growing outdoors. One may be that you don’t want your neighbors to walk past your prized possessions every day, especially if they are of a more conservative temperament. Another consideration is temperature. Cannabis is generally accepted to have originated in and around modern day Turkmenistan. Geographically it is hot, arid, and dry. That being said, these are not wild plants we’re growing here so let’s use some science to maximize our yield. Try your best to keep the ambient temperature around your plants below 86 degrees Fahrenheit (that’s 30C for our non-American friends). Anything above this will send the plants into a dormant state until temperatures return to tolerable levels. While this may be an awesome survival mechanism for the plant, it means all progress to harvest is effectively halted. Avoid this at all costs. Conversely, anything below 55F (13C) and your plants will be slowly dying. Obviously, avoid this also. Since you are reading this guide to outdoor growing, you are presumably located somewhere that has a Mediterranean climate or at least somewhere with warm and relatively dry summers. Make sure not to jump the gun on germinating your seeds as high-quality cannabis seeds can be worth a pretty penny. Mid to late April is ideal. Keep them growing near a windowsill until around May before taking them to their final home outdoors. The ideal spot is somewhere that gets >12 hours of sunlight each day but does not leave the “green zone” of growing temperatures. This typically occurs around the start of May.
Water some more:
- A few days after transplanting you can really start to pour it on as by now the roots of the transplanted cannabis will be greedily expanding to fill their new containers. Keep in mind that overwatering can still damage your plants’ root systems and leach soil of the nutrients you just spent your hard earned money on, so what we’re really looking for is a happy medium here. The plants will let you know when they are thirsty. A slight droop in their leaves means it is time to water. Don’t wait too long however, because severe drooping is a sign that the plant is experiencing shock. Multiple shocks over their growth cycle will negatively impact overall health. Another method is the “finger test”. If you poke your finger lightly into the topsoil and it comes out dry then it’s time to water.
- This is the category where everyone has a different opinion about the right way to feed their plants and is also often the hill they choose to die on. That being said, people have strong opinions because they are passionate about the topic and no other form of plant care can make or break your crop like feeding time can. This field can also be a rabbit hole of different products being touted as the “miracle treatment” for any grow. It is easy to get sold a bill of goods from some company promising you the world when in reality their product is no more different than that of their competitors. With that, the simplest route is often the best one. Look for a relatively cheap yet still organic-based basic fertilizer. It does not need to be geared specifically towards cannabis cultivation, just your run of the mill basic cultivable crop fertilizer will work wonderfully. Any additional nutrient treatments are nice to have but ultimately only supplement the basic fertilizer. Also remember that adding nutrients can change the chemical makeup of your soil and overdoing it will do more harm than good. Simply follow the dilution and application directions on the box or bottle of whatever fertilizer you end up choosing.
PH stands for Phery Hemportant:
- Test strips are dirt cheap and can make all the difference in the final outcome of your harvest. PH affects everything from overall yield to the quality of smoke you get from your cured cannabis. Make sure you get a pH control kit to go with your test strips as this will be what allows you to change your tap water pH levels. Most regular tap water is anywhere from pH 6.5 - pH 8.5 so make sure to find out what it is in your local area. Every strain is different but a rule of thumb is to try and shoot for around pH 6 - 7. That’s the slightly acidic level that cannabis loves. Adding nutrients will tend to lower your pH so make sure to check your levels before accidentally giving your babies chemical burns.
Tender Loving Care:
- This step is a common one to overlook but critically important. Any time you spend in your garden is a social interaction between you and your plants. We’re not out here mechanically harvesting a crop for market. This is a practice of love and mutual understanding between plant and person. As cliche as it sounds, the true secret ingredient to growing unbelievable cannabis is love. Our plants are more aware of their surroundings than we can comprehend and showing them love and affection brings out their best, just like any human. I recommend tending to your plants daily, ideally twice a day; once in the morning and again in the evening. This not only fosters a relationship between you and your plants but also allows ample time to identify problems before they get out of hand. Finding one or two spider mites on a plant is manageable but if you don’t notice an infestation until leaves start to drop from the stem then it’s already too late. Having a close relationship with your plant also adds a nostalgia factor to your harvest when it comes time to enjoy your hard work, and remember: weed wants to be smoked. Human beings and cannabis have a long and storied past, and the plant has spread all over the world thanks to the mutually beneficial relationship we share with one another. I do hope this brief guide provides enough information to get you started on your journey alongside this wonderful, magical and medicinal being. Happy tending.
To Learn More about Growing Cannabis Outdoors Book a seat on our Wine-and-Weed Tour and get up close and personal with weed!
CBD Massage Near Me!
We all know that massages and stretching are good for us and the wear and tear of daily life means sometimes we just need to regain some balance inside and out!
But did you know that adding a CBD oil or cream is the perfect complement to a massage or stretch session?
Just Add CBD To Help You Unwind
Stretching and massage with a high-quality CBD cream feels luxurious for your tired body. It’s also nature’s athletic edge by, resting your muscles, releasing tension, and targeting any temporary, occasional discomfort you’re experiencing!
In fact, more and more spas, assisted stretching spaces and relaxation centers are offering CBD add-ons to their treatments and stores and it’s easy to see why.
Here are some surprising benefits of CBD:
World’s Best Moisturizer
If you use a CBD cream that contains hemp oil, you’ll experience the benefit of soft and supple skin. Hemp oil is extremely moisturizing, conditioning, and protects the skin.
Targets Temporary, Occasional Discomfort
We all have those common spots of temporary occasional discomfort; CBD works to not only calm and hydrate the body, but it also leaves you feeling refreshed and nurtured, in part by releasing the tension that causes that temporary, occasional discomfort.
Reduces Tension & Revives Your Body
By activating the pathways of existing cannabinoid (CB2) receptors in the body, CBD helps to warm your muscles, reduces tension, and leaves you feeling refreshed.
Enhances Relaxation
When we feel out overwhelmed, it can be hard to relax. Because CBD facilitates calmness and relaxation, it means you can unwind and be better prepared to keep up with your busy life when your massage session ends.
Get Back to Balance
Because CBD promotes positive energy, elevates your mood, and helps you find peace and clarity, you can find balance again and get those bliss molecules pumping!
All of the above benefits combine to allow the body to enjoy a deeper state of relaxation, rejuvenating your body, and allowing you or the therapist to better support those problem areas.
Plus, a daily CBD massage is one of the best ways to decompress after a long day. And if you don’t have access to a center that offers CBD treatments, never fear, just enlist the help of a good friend or loved one, point to where it hurts, and soak up your in-house spa session!
Of course, while the offer of a massage is always glorious, you don’t have to run to a spa in order to reap the benefits—you can give yourself a CBD massage right at home if you have a CBD topical. If you want to massage your calf, for instance, it’s best done with the help of a tool like a rolling pin. Apply the lotion to your desired spot and then roll over it to work away knots. Depending on what muscles are tight, you can try various CBD products to amp up your experience. Consider it the highest form of self-care.
Let's take a deeper dive into what CBD is, how it can be helpful in a wellness plan and what are some of the various CBD supplements on the market.
One of the most exciting restorative compounds today, CBD is a cannabinoid, a class of over 100 chemical compounds present in cannabis plants like hemp. Sharing a similar molecular structure to the body’s own cannabinoids, CBD interacts with the body’s native systems to alter the release of neurotransmitters to promote rejuvenation and balance.
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil is a natural, non-psychoactive botanical concentrate extracted from the stalks and seeds of hemp. High in the compound CBD, this exciting type of cannabis oil has become highly sought after in recent years because of its natural wellness and balancing properties.
Once extracted from hemp, CBD oil can be processed into a number of supplements designed to boost the body’s ability to reach and maintain homeostasis.
Since CBD oil comes from low-THC hemp, its natural benefits can be experienced without any psychoactive effects, making it safe and ideal for everyone to use.
When plant-based cannabinoids like CBD are absorbed, they interact with special cannabinoid receptors. Cannabinoid receptors are a crucial element of the body’s endocannabinoid system, a major regulatory network that keeps a wide array of functions and physiological processes in balance and working efficiently.
The wellness and balancing properties of CBD oil can augment the relaxation and restorative work of your massage therapy.
Through its interaction with the body’s native systems, CBD oil products can be used to help achieve wellbeing by promoting proper sleep, appetite, metabolism, immune response, and more.
Plant-derived cannabinoids like CBD mimic the roles of the body’s own endogenous (naturally-occurring) cannabinoids, which allows the compound to stimulate the endocannabinoid system and encourage its efforts to achieve beneficial effects in the body.
Pure CBD hemp oil is also naturally an incredible source of vitamins, omega fatty acids, vitamins, terpenes, and chlorophyll that make it valuable for encouraging radiant and smooth skin.
Here are some CBD Supplements to consider as part of a wellness regime:
Pure CBD Hemp Oils | CBD hemp oil in its most unadulterated form is a thick, viscous oil that contains high levels of CBD (up to 120 mg), as well as the essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other trace cannabinoids naturally found in hemp. |
Tinctures | For those interested in a lower potency CBD supplement, CBD tinctures blend our award-winning hemp CBD oil with vegetable glycerine or medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil for a thinner consistency and reduced overall strength. Low potency products like tinctures, containing between 1 mg and 10.5 mg per serving, can help your clients maintain a constant level of CBD in their system all day long. Tinctures can come in flavors like vanilla, cinnamon, and peppermint, in addition to an unflavored option. |
Liquids | Liquid supplements combine pure hemp oil with MCT oil for a mid-potency product. This offers the benefits of pure hemp oil with the ease and portability of tinctures. Liquid can also be taken on a spoon and swished in the mouth before swallowing. |
CBD Capsules | CBD capsules are an ideal choice for those clients who are already taking daily vitamins and supplements or who are looking for the most convenient way to get their daily CBD. |
One last compound to discuss is CBD isolate
CBD Isolate:
Found here in its pure crystalline form, CBD isolate is a fine white powder containing only the CBD chemical compound. CBD isolate is an all-natural product, extracted from the hemp plant and refined down to an incredible purity.
When consumed off a specially-equipped vape pen, CBD isolate can be vaped, allowing the user to inhale the pure CBD vapor. CBD isolate can also be dissolved into vape liquids for a CBD infused-vape.
For oral consumption, CBD Isolate is easily consumed as is, mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil, or blended into smoothies or other foods and beverages.
To learn more about CBD read our Blog post Let's Take the Mystery Out of CBD Oil. If you'd like to get up-close-and-personal with Cannabis Plants, book a seat on our Wine-and-Weed Tour!
Ways to Smoke Cannabis
There are many way to smoke cannabis, from the traditional joint or pipe through portable battery-powered concentrate vapor pens or weed vape pens and fancy water bongs. In this article we’re gonna talk about them all! We sat down recently to compile a definitive list of marijuana smoking methods and here is what we’ve come up with. Please enjoy!
There are many ways to smoke cannabis, but none are perhaps as well-known as smoking a bowl. Learning how to pack and smoke a bowl is a quintessential lesson in cannabis consumption that enthusiasts at every end of the spectrum can benefit from. Whether you’re interested in packing a pipe for a personal smoking session or preparing a bowl for a party, understanding these key fundamental principles will surely help you optimize your bowl smoking experience.
Traditionally, pipes used for tobacco smoking purposes were made out of material such as wood, bamboo, or even ceramics. However, cannabis pipes today are widely made using borosilicate glass, as the medium is incredibly versatile. While most states still widely market glass pipes as tobacco smoking accessories, they can be found in collectable and gift shops (also referred to as “head shops”). You can also find them online, at cannabis events, and even in high-end glass art museums.
To pack and smoke a bowl, you’re going to need a few essential items to get started. Other than your bowl or pipe, you will need some form of heating element. The most basic heating element available is a lighter. Traditional butane lighters work well, though there is a myriad of non-butane heating elements out there to choose from. The most effective lighters and heaters will allow for optimal heating control when combusting and/or vaporizing a bowl.
Many consumers prefer to light their bowls with hemp wick, a waxy piece of hemp string that ignites easily, maintains an even burn, and doesn’t give off an undesirable aftertaste. Another heating element used often is a glass wand that can be heated to a point where it will vaporize your herb on contact, eliminating combustion smoke altogether while still delivering cannabinoids and flavor through a lighter hit.
Another factor to consider is whether or not to use a screen for your pipe. Screens can help keep you from inhaling burning bits of cannabis, but if you don’t have a pack of pipe screens, here are a few nifty tricks to consider:
Wire or Paperclip | Twist it into a small coil and place it the bottom of your pipe bowl |
Faucet Head Screen | Place it in the bottom of your bowl |
Rock | Use a small, dry rock approximately the diameter of your bowl |
DO NOT USE | * Aluminum Foil * A Soda Can * A Window Screen - these can be coated with materials which are dangerous to inhale |
Preparing cannabis for smoking a bowl is essential in order to maximize airflow through your device and deliver the most even smoke possible. In order to do this, herb is a crucial step. Doing this creates a homogenous airflow through the bowl where smoke can pass through evenly.
There are a few tricks to packing a pipe that will help to maximize airflow:
1. Ensure that your weed is evenly broken down but not too finely ground. | Hand pulling your herb is the most basic way to do this, but grinders make this process much easier. There are many ways to break your cannabis down, so don’t be afraid to get creative. |
2. Use a stem and/or a nice-sized intact calyx to stuff at the very bottom of your bowl to prevent particulates from passing though. | You can also use a screen if you have one available. This will also facilitate better airflow. |
3. Pack your herb very lightly at the bottom and slightly denser at the top for an even smoke. | This allows the cannabis towards the top to maintain a burn, or “cherry” while opening airflow for easy inhalation without any clogging. |
For everybody first learning how to smoke a pipe, there are a few pieces of etiquette to follow that will help ensure you have the best possible experience. When engaging in a smoking session with others, make sure that you pack a bowl that’s proportional to the size of your smoking circle. For an intimate session, packing personal bowls or “snaps” is great when alone or with one other person. This way, you take turns lighting personally packed micro bowls meant to be consumed in one single hit. For larger groups, heavier packed “party bowls” ensure each smoking buddy gets a fresh hit of green herb.
Traditionally, the provider of the cannabis will determine who gets to light the first hit. To make sure everyone gets the same experience, make sure to corner your bowl by only lighting a fraction of the visible cannabis. This lets everyone get the same great flavor without leaving an ashy hit for somebody. If the bowl is already lit, feel free to pass it, but let your passing buddy know the bowl is “cherried.” Lastly, never pocket a lighter. Everybody hates a light thief!
With these tips in mind, smoking a bowl should be a walk in the park. Always remember to use proper etiquette when packing a bowl for friends, and make sure you are consuming cannabis in a safe and legal place. Otherwise, pack a fat one, call some friends, and have at it!
A bong (also water pipe, billy, bing, or moof) is a filtration device generally used for smoking cannabis, tobacco, or other herbal substances. In the bong shown in the photo, the gas flows from the lower port on the left to the upper port on the right.
In construction and function a bong is similar to a hookah, except smaller and especially more portable. A bong may be constructed from any air- and water-tight vessel by adding a bowl and stem apparatus (or slide) which guides air downward to below water level whence it bubbles upward ("bubbler") during use. To get fresh air into the bong and harvest the last remaining smoke, a hole known as the "carburetor", "carb", "choke", "bink", "rush", "shotty", "kick hole", or simply "hole", somewhere on the lower part of the bong above water level, is first kept covered during the smoking process, then opened to allow the smoke to be drawn into the respiratory system. On bongs without such a hole, the bowl and stem are removed to allow air from the hole that holds the stem.
Bongs have been in use by the Hmong, in Laos and Thailand, and all over Africa for centuries. One of the earliest recorded uses of the word in the West is in the McFarland Thai-English Dictionary, published in 1944, which describes one of the meanings of bong in the Thai language as, "a bamboo waterpipe for smoking kancha, tree, hashish, or the hemp-plant." A January 1971 issue of the Marijuana Review also used the term.
A joint, spliff, jay, boof, doink, reefer, or doobie, is a rolled cannabis cigarette. Unlike commercial tobacco cigarettes, joints are ordinarily hand-rolled by the user with rolling papers, though in some cases they are machine-rolled Rolling papers are the most common rolling medium in industrialized countries; however, brown paper, cigarettes or beedies with the tobacco removed, receipts, and newspaper can also be used, particularly in developing countries. Modern papers are manufactured in a range of sizes from a wide variety of materials including rice, hemp, and flax, and are also available in other flavored varieties.
A joint can vary in size, typically containing between 0.25 to 1 g (1⁄84 to 1⁄28 oz) net weight of cannabis. Tobacco may or may not be used in the rolling process.
To help you hone your own craft, we’ve prepared a simple seven-step guide on the easiest way to roll a joint, even for beginners.
Begin by gathering your rolling supplies:
- Cannabis strain of your choice
- Rolling papers
- Crutch (for the joint crutch or filter)
- Cannabis grinder
- Optional: A pen, or a similarly shaped object to help pack the joint
STEP 1 | Grind the Cannabis | Break down your cannabis into shake. If your cannabis is dried well, it should break down easily. A grinder keeps your hand from getting sticky and thus sticking to the joint paper. If you don’t have a grinder, you can grind the herb down by hand, using scissors, or any number of other breakdown methods. |
STEP 2 | Create Joint Crutch/Filter | Make a crutch, also called a tip or filter. You can make a crutch out of just about anything, but thin cardboard or business cards are solid go-tos. A lot of joint papers also include crutch material with their packaging. Start with a few “accordion” folds at the end of the cardboard, then roll the material to the desired thickness of your joint. The crutch isn’t absolutely necessary, but it does help keep the shake from falling out of the end or into your mouth as you smoke. It also adds some stability to the joint and allows you to enjoy every bit of cannabis without burning your fingertips. |
STEP 3 | Fill Joint with Cannabis | Fill the paper with the shake and the crutch (if you’ve made one). Once the paper has the right amount of shake (a half gram to a gram usually does the trick), you can begin to form and shape the joint with your fingers. (A quick note on papers: There are a lot of different types and flavors of joint papers available. Many people prefer hemp papers because they tend to be thin but strong, and burn evenly without affecting the flavor of the cannabis.) |
STEP 4 | Pack the Joint | Once you’ve loaded and shaped your joint, it’s time to roll it. Pinch the paper between your fingertips and roll it back and forth between them to pack the cannabis down into its final shape. |
STEP 5 | Roll the Joint | This step can make or break the quality of your joint. Tuck the unglued side of the paper into the roll and use the glued edge to tack down one end of the paper, using just a little bit of moisture. (Pro tip: Start with the crutch side because it can help guide the paper as it rolls around itself.) Once the paper is tacked on one end, you can work your way down the rest of the seam by tucking and sealing the joint from end to end. |
STEP 6 | Finish Your Joint | Finally, pack the end of the joint to help ensure an even burn. A pen is great, but you can use just about anything. Some good options if you’re on the go: the tip of your shoelace, the drawstring on your hoodie, or a small stick. If you’re not planning on sparking your joint right away, you may want to close the tip with a twist. |
STEP 7 | Enjoy! | There are limitless ways to roll a joint. You can roll them big or small. Get creative! Some people have even transformed joint rolling into an art all on its own, rolling their cannabis into a unique mix of functional origami. |
Concentrate Vape Pen vs Weed Vape Pen
Concentrate vaping is rapidly gaining in popularity, ever since laws regarding medical marijuana have become more lenient and some states in the US actually allow patients to get marijuana legally. Others have gone even further, such as Alaska, Colorado, and California, legalizing marijuana for recreational use. All of this has boosted the use of herbal concentrates, also called dabs by the community (dab is defined as a small portion of something, hence the terms dab vaping and dab vaporizer pens) and, in the process, encouraged vape manufacturers to focus on producing quality dab pens, paying special attention to wax pens.
Benefits of Concentrate Vaping
Why concentrate vaping?
That’s a fair question. There are dozens of great dry herb vaporizers on the market. For the most part, they are affordable and practical, so why would you want to switch from them? To answer that question, let’s take a quick look at the overall benefits of herbal concentrate vaping:
- A more potent vape
- Intensive flavor
- More discreet vape
Increased Potency
As the name implies, concentrates are more powerful than run-of-the-mill dry herb vaporizers because more active ingredients are packed in a smaller amount used for vaping. This is a huge benefit to medical marijuana users who need to inhale (or ingest) larger quantities that are prescribed by their doctor. It’s also not half bad for recreational users who want a better hit.
Generally, there are four types of concentrates (or dabs), each with a varying potency. They are shatter, crumble, budder, and wax. In addition to differing potency, they will also vary in flavor and consistency.
- Shatter– the most potent type of concentrate with up to 80% purity. Shatter is glass-like and will break into pieces if not handled carefully. Since it’s solid, handling shatter is pretty easy – you just break off a little piece and place it into an atomizer or a heating chamber of your concentrate vaping pen and you’re good to go.
- Crumble– similar to shatter, crumble is also glass-like, although a bit more sticky. It’s easy to handle but not as potent as shatter.
- Budder– budder resembles peanut butter, meaning that it’s more malleable than shatter or crumble. This also makes it a bit more difficult to handle so you usually can’t do it by hand – it needs to be done with a small, pincer-like dab tool. Budder is made differently from crumble and shatter and contains more terpenes (flavor-rich compounds) so it’s also more flavorsome. However, what it makes up in flavor it lacks in potency.
- Wax – wax is probably the most popular entry on this list because it’s the easiest one to get and it’s the most affordable. Wax concentrate needs to be handled with a dab tool since it has a slightly runny consistency and it tends to stick to everything. Potency-wise, it’s the weakest out of four (generally around 60% purity, which is not bad but it’s nowhere near the 80% for shatter) but makes up for that by being extremely flavorsome.
Intensive Flavor
While flavor varies dramatically with the type of botanical extract you choose to use, it’s safe to say that concentrate vaping beats both smoking and dry herb vaping in that department. That’s because the flavor is concentrated and undiluted. When you’re smoking, a lot of other burning chemicals get in the way of pure flavor and color it. If you’re big on it, this purity of flavor is a benefit of concentrate vaping you’re definitely going to like.
Quick and Discreet Vape
Sometimes you just don’t have the time to go through that whole song and dance of rolling your doobie and then smoking it. Other times you just want to do it as low-key as possible. Vapor emanating from a wax pen is almost inconspicuous (not completely, of course) – it doesn’t stick to your clothes and it won’t smell up your house. Load up your vape pen, take a quick hit, and go your merry way without anyone being any wiser.
Types of Concentrate Vaporizers (Desktop, Dab Pens & More)
We can generally categorize concentrate vaporizers in four distinct groups: desktop concentrate vaporizers, e-rigs (e-nails), portable non-pens, and vape pens. Users, and the industry, are slowly moving predominantly towards concentrate vape pens but other gear also has its merits so will touch briefly on it.
Desktop Concentrate Vaporizers
These are very similar to all the other desktop vaporizers on the market. They are not portable and are larger than other types. Used primarily for group vaping sessions, desktop concentrate vaporizers can be corded (more common) or battery powered. The vapor is usually collected into a balloon and then inhaled from it. Alternatively, it can be inhaled through a tube (called a whip) directly from the unit.
E-rigs (E-nails)
Vapor from a concentrate tastes that much better when it’s cooled to a proper temperature. Small, portable e-rigs enable you to do just that. They are usually battery-powered and have a small titanium nail on which the concentrate is placed. The nail heats up rapidly, vaporizing the concentrate and delivering vapor through a water attachment, where it’s cooled, allowing for deeper, more satisfying puffs.
Portable Non-pens
If you’re not a big fan of vape pens and everything that comes with them – atomizers, wicks, and coils which can make use slightly complicated – you can opt for a non-pen portable vaping device. These portables use an ingenious skillet design for easier vaping. You simply place a dab of your concentrate on the skillet, which heats up when activated. The vapor is then inhaled through a whip. As far as these devices are concerned, their biggest pro is the fact that they can fit more concentrate and be used by more than one person, despite being small and portable.
Concentrate Vape Pens
Concentrate vape pens, such as dab vaporizer pens and wax vaporizer pens, are by far the most common way to inhale evaporated botanical extract. In essence, they are very similar to other vaping pens used for dry herbs and e-liquids, with a few minor adjustments made to the atomizer.
They are portable and battery-powered so you can vape on the go. Since this is a concentrate vaping device you’re most likely to end up buying, we’ll go into them in a bit more detail so you get an idea of your options and various pros and cons.
Anatomy of a Concentrate Vape Pen
Here’s a quick rundown of concentrate vape pen parts and different styles and functions.
All vape pen batteries are designed for a single purpose – to power your vape. While there are differences in colors, capacity (800mAh, 1200mAh, 2000mAh, and so on), and advanced functionality, their principal purpose remains the same, regardless of the brand or the manufacturer. Most internal vape pen batteries are Lithium-Ion batteries because they are the safest and hold the charge best. They are usually fitted with a 510 thread connection so they can be used with various atomizers.
Depending on the brand, the battery will deliver either single pre-set temperature or be capable of delivering variable charge and allow for temperature control. Temp control batteries will have a small knob on the bottom, allowing you to choose a temperature between 350 C – 430 C. This is a great feature because not all botanical extract have the same evaporation point. A temp control unit allows you to vape different types of concentrates with a single setup.
Different Types of Concentrate Vape Pen Atomizers
What’s an atomizer?
An atomizer is a piece of your vaporizer that contains the heating element. It’s also where you put your concentrate – it can be placed directly onto the heating element or in a flat plate above it.
There’s a difference between the two approaches. The first approach uses the conduction method of heating. The concentrate is heated up quickly and evaporates faster, resulting in a stronger hit. However, if a flat plate is used then the concentrate doesn’t touch the heating element. The heating method used there is called convection heating – hot air heats the concentrate resulting in a more even vape.
Conduction atomizers (the ones where the concentrate comes into direct contact with the heating element) are further divided into:
- Wicked – usually used for highly viscous concentrates such as wax, these atomizers have an absorptive fiber running through the coils (usually silica), which absorbs the wax that’s then heated, creating a flavorful, consistent draw.
- Wickless – these atomizers have a ceramic or quartz rod running through the coils. They are used by vapers looking for a clean, powerful hit but will also burn through your concentrate that much faster.
As mentioned, if you’re into convection heating (no direct contact with the heating elements), you can get a vape pen with a ceramic or quartz dish onto which the concentrate is placed. Your concentrate will burn slower (so there’s a lower chance for a burnt taste) and will generally last longer.
The last (but essential) piece of your wax vape pen – or any other vape pen – is the mouthpiece. What do you do with it? Well, you suck on it, of course! It transports the vapor from the heating chamber into your mouth. A mouthpiece is usually made from heat-resistant plastic, glass, or ceramic, although it can be metal. Mouthpieces can be narrow or wide, long or short. It will depend on your preference. Do you want warmer vapor and a bit of a throat hit? Go with a short, narrow mouthpiece. If you prefer colder vapor, a wide bore mouthpiece will suit you better.
Concentrate Vaping in a Nutshell
As you can see, concentrate vaping is not as complicated as you might have believed. This guide gives you all the essential information to make an informed decision when buying your first wax vape pen. Just keep in mind that a lot of it will come down to your vaping style and personal preferences. However, there’s no denying that concentrate vaping has a lot of benefits:
- Better, more powerful hits
- More intense flavor
- Ability to stealth vape
When it comes to ease of use, portability, and functionality, one cannabis product stands tall above the rest. You may know them as pre-loaded cannabis oil vape cartridges, hash oil vape pens, or even disposable wax pens. These relatively new and exciting devices have permeated the cannabis concentrate market over the last several years, quickly becoming the go-to concentrate-based product for both the novice and accustomed cannabis fans.
However, when it comes to choosing the right pre-loaded disposable pen, various factors stand in the way of making a decision. Although many of these products seem aesthetically similar at first glance, there are many nuances that distinguish them from one another.
Understanding the differences between these disposable pens can help you make an educated decision on which product is right for your consumption.
Why Choose a Pre-Filled Oil Vape Cartridge?
If you’re new to pre-filled oil vape cartridges, there are many benefits to using them compared to a weed vape pen. Here is a list of those benefits:
Ease of Use
Deciding to use a pre-filled cannabis oil vape cartridge takes the guesswork completely out of the equation. Contrary to other methods of using hash oil such as a dab rig and nail setup, or even manual portable vape pens which require self-loading, pre-filled “carts” require little to no effort whatsoever. At most, these products may require you to press a button to inhale. In fact, most of the time you don’t even have to worry about the battery life—many products are designed so that charging the battery isn’t even necessary.
Pre-filled oil vape carts are the easiest method of enjoying hash oil while on the go. Their sleek and minimalist design allows for discreet vaping, free of the distracting qualities that larger setups or raw cannabis products may carry (such as noticeable smoke or odor).
For uninitiated cannabis concentrate users, dosing can be a major concern. Nobody wants an overwhelming experience when attempting to enjoy cannabis oil products responsibly. Unlike dabbing, using a pre-loaded vape pen allows for a highly controlled dose with each inhalation. This gives the user full autonomy of how much or little to consume.
The Types of Pre-Filled Cartridges Available
Familiarize yourself with the many types of pre-filled oil vape cartridges on the market so you can purchase the one that best fits your needs or preferences.
Cartridge/Battery Combos vs. Disposables
When choosing a pre-filled vape pen, there are several hardware options. Some products are offered in tanks that typically come formatted with a 510 threaded standard vaporizer battery insert. These tanks can fit on any battery that contains the 510 threading, and nowadays almost all battery tanks come in this format. The exception to this is when you purchase pre-loaded tanks designed by companies to fit their personalized batteries. An example would be the PAX Era Pods, which are designed to be used with their vaporizer/battery systems.
Alternatively, many pre-loaded vape pens are available as “disposables,” containing a pre-charged battery designed to support the device until the tank empties. These pen varieties require no charging and are meant to be disposed of after use. They contain no threading and are not meant to be separated from their battery.
Distillate Cartridges vs. CO2
For a vaporizer cartridge to function properly, its contents must have the proper viscosity. Otherwise, the oils with either be too thick or too thin to be able to vaporize within the device. Depending on the starting material used, cartridge manufacturers utilize several methods in order to create the perfect oil for their pens.
CO2 Oil: Certain high grade winterized CO2 oils are uniquely compatible with vaporizer cartridges due to the fact that they do not require additives of any kind to meet the viscosity levels needed to vaporize in an atomizer. If made properly, these oils are able to retain modest levels of plant based terpenes, which act as natural thinning agents as well as give the oils their signature strain-specific flavors.
Distillates: A cannabis distillate is a highly refined oil containing pure cannabinoids and almost nothing else. The upside to using distillates in vaporizer cartridges is that the oil can be produced from a range of starting materials. Virtually any hash oil variety from CO2 to BHO and everything in between can be purified into a distillate with the right hardware. The downside to using distillates in vaporizer cartridges is that because there are no residual terpenes left behind, there is nothing to cut the viscosity of the material. In order for a distillate to be used for cartridges, a thinning agent of some kind is often required.
Additives: Additives are sometimes used in vape cartridge oils as a supplemental thinning agent. In some cases, methods have been taken to “cut” or infuse various hash oils with certain substances such as polyethylene glycol (PEG), propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), or even medium chain triglycerides (MCT) such as coconut oil in order to maintain a less viscous and lasting oil consistency conducive to standard atomizer functionality. This process has become highly controversial due to raised health concerns and products containing these thinning agents are showing up less on the market as of late.
One way that vaporizer cartridge manufacturers have been able to steer away from artificial cutting agents is by using terpenes.
Terpene Infusions and Strain-Specific Flavorings
The use of terpenes has been found to help lower the viscosity of hash oil as well as increase flavor and aromatics, making them a potentially safer alternative to other cutting agents. Terpenes not only add flavor and aromatics to the experience, they can also help alter the effects or a product due to their ability to influence how cannabinoids interact with our system.
There are several ways to use terpenes with pre-filled vaporizer cartridges. First, some manufactures rely on CO2 based extractions which when refined by use of ethanol can actually retain plant based terpenes at a percentage conducive to achieving proper viscosity. This is how manufacturers are able to sell flavors based on natural strain profiles. Furthermore, natural cannabis derived terpenes profiles that have been fractioned through refinement can be re-added to hash oils in small percentages, creating a natural spectrum of flavor and effect while also giving an oil the correct consistency required to function in a cartridge.
On the other hand, food-grade terpene flavorings are arguably the most prevalent as well as the lowest quality additives used in cartridges. Terpenes can not only be found all over nature (cannabis included), but can also be synthesized in a lab.
Take d-limonene for example, a popular terpene additive that is found in some cannabis varietals. Many manufacturers use food-grade d-limonene as the sole flavoring additive for their pre-loaded cartridges. Although this helps to cut the viscosity of the oil as well as offer a mild flavor enhancement, infusions such as this tend to be one-dimensional and offer little to nothing in enhancing experience to the user.
When shopping for cartridges, oftentimes these types of pens will be labeled as “lemon/lime”-flavored to represent this additive being used. Many other food-grade terpenes are used in this respect, which is why it’s important to check with your budtender and read labels carefully when buying terpene-infused cartridges.
Products Labeled by Effect
Many times, pre-filled oil vape cartridges are labeled and marketed by their supposed effect on the user. Products of this variety tend to claim they provide “relaxing” or “energetic” effects, with some often being labeled as indica, sativa, or even hybrid. When infused into a product, these terpene combinations are designed to give effects similar to what you would find in particular cannabis strains.
Whether they’re infused with food-grade terpenes or naturally-derived terpenes extracted from cannabis strains, many of these products incorporate carefully mixed combinations similar to what would be traced in a strain or strain type. How well these infusions imitate the strain varieties they mimic is debatable; however, products with terpene combinations tend to give a more enhanced experience than a similar product containing one or no terpenes.
Cannabinoid-Specific Cartridges
Although many hash oil pen varieties are labeled by flavor or effect, some focus on cannabinoid concentration. Aside from the typical high-THC product that most pens offer, there are some manufacturers that offer products containing elevated levels of cannabidiol (CBD).
High-CBD pens may or may not contain added flavorings, but they do guarantee a ratio of THC to CBD that can range from 2:1 all the way to 20:1 and greater. These types of pens offer great medicinal value to those looking for CBD in an easy-to-consume product.
Full-Spectrum Cartridges
The pinnacle of pre-loaded oil cartridges in terms of overall quality rests with full-spectrum extracts. These products are created using the entire spectrum of bioavailable molecules found within a given cannabis strain. A full-spectrum oil does not add, reintroduce, or remove any active compound within a strain and offers a flavor and effect far superior and multidimensional to most competitors.
Pre-filled full-spectrum cartridges are hard to come by and are only offered in certain markets; their price tends to reflect their rarity as well. If you’re fortunate enough to live in a market where these products are available, it’s highly recommended to fork up the extra cash to give one a shot. In terms of strain comparability, the flavor on a full-spectrum cart is incredibly similar to what you would experience in a strain.
To learn more about ways to smoke cannabis take a Happy Travelers Tour! Book Now!
California Marijuana Strains
California marijuana plants are the beneficiaries of a geography that favors outdoor grows and the Golden State has championed some of the world’s finest cannabis strain genetics. OG Kush crosses flourish throughout the state, and today you’d be hard-pressed to find a strain that hasn’t been crossed with this illustrious hybrid.
California has always been a center for counterculture, and the California cannabis movement is no exception. This heritage lives on to this day, in the amazingly diverse selection of high quality California herbal remedies and weed strains. When it comes to California and weed, it’s well known that California bud is some of the best legal weed in the world. Long Live California ganja!
Blue Dream - Hybrid
- The Blue Dream weed strain has a sweet berry smell and is a favorite for patients with pain, nauseousness and depression. This particular strain is a combination of indica (Blueberry) and sativa (Haze). Users can expect cerebral stimulation and thought-provoking conversations, but Blue Dream provides physical relaxation too. Consumers often say that Blue Dream gives them relief without drowsy side effects. The mild, reliable effects give gentle physical relief and mental stimulation.
Girl Scout - Hybrid
- This California native has sprinted its way to fame in recent years, gobbling up awards left and right for its potency. Itself a descendent of OG Kush, GSC (a.ka. Girl Scout Cookies)is given an extra sativa lift from a Durban Poison parent. In masterful balance of soaring euphoria and deeply relaxing physical effects, it’s no wonder that GSC ranks #2 in the California market.
Sour Diesel – Sativa
- Sour Diesel, also sometimes known as “Sour D,” is a sativa dominant California marijuana strains blended with about 10% of indica. This strain is about 26% THC –– a relatively high concentration –– so it is an ideal strain for experienced cannabis users. Because of its heavy sativa consistency, the Sour Diesel cannabis strain is all about mental stimulation. Many users report using this particular strain to handle depression, anxiety, and to counteract exhaustion.
Sour Diesel is a great California marijuana strain for boosting energy. For that reason, many choose to smoke this California cannabis strain before a period of intense activity. In terms of flavor and aroma, sour diesel is a weed strain that is definitely unique. Many consumers report a smooth smoking experience, with a slight citrusy taste, like a lemon or lime. This is where the “sour” term in the name originates from. As for diesel, that’s all about the smell. This strain has a powerful smell, so it might not be the best for discrete usage.
OG Kush – Hybrid
- OG Kush, the flagship strain of California genetics, ranks #4 among its top strains. Reviewing this list, however, you’ll notice many of the forerunners are bred using OG Kush genetics. Countless other hybrids not mentioned here also contain OG genetics, so much so that you can attach “OG” to the end of almost any strain name and assume that some California breeder has already made it. OG Kush phenotypes are also marketed under a variety of monikers, many of which play off celebrity names and pop culture references.
Green Crack – Sativa
- People in California love this stimulating sativa for its ability to relieve stress and fatigue while helping one focus, particularly during the day. Green Crack comes from Skunk #1 and an Afghani strain, and the flowers smell and taste like sweet, tangy fruit.
Jack Herer – Sativa
- Jack Herer is the tried-and-true sativa you’d expect to find on any market’s top 13 list. Beautifully crafted genetics from Sensi Seeds give way to a balanced effect profile that promotes happiness, creativity, and an uplifting sense of energy. The name of the game with this California marijuana strain is balance. If you like being lucid with a mellow high, then Jack Herer might be the perfect California marijuana strain for you. While the origins of this strain are not entirely clear, many find this type of California weed strain excellent for depression.
Skywalker OG – Hybrid
- Skywalker OG is a potent, pungent blend of OG Kush and Skywalker, and it has a famously earthy, sweet citrus flavor that's helped make it one of the most popular marijuana strains in California. This hybrid has a strong aroma of spicy herbs and diesel fuel and is known for providing pain relief.
Bubba Kush – Indica
- An indica-dominant cross of (supposedly) Northern Lights and either an Afghani or OG Kush hybrid, Bubba Kush produces bulky flower buds that have a pungent aroma. It has a sweet, earthy taste and offers powerfully calming effects over body and mind alike. Bubba Kush has roots in California, so it’s not hard to imagine how this powerhouse indica carved a name for itself since its inception in the 90s. Earthy sweet aromas introduce tranquilizing mind and body effects, making this strain a perfect companion for lazy day relaxation or for a smooth transition into a restful night’s sleep.
Fire OG – Hybrid
- The predominant OG family has another prestigious strain in California, and its name is Fire OG. A cross of different OG Kush phenotypes, Fire OG takes on a fiery appearance with vibrant orange hair stretching out from a bed of crystal resin.
San Fernando Valley OG – Hybrid
- This California creation is one of the most popular strains of cannabis in the state, and its crystal-covered flowers are coveted for their ability to relieve pain without intense sedative effects. SFV (for San Fernando Valley) OG is a potent, sativa-dominant phenotype of the legendary OG Kush, and it offers earthy flavors of wood, lemons, and pine.
Granddaddy Purple - Indica 
- A product of cannabis classics Big Bud and Purple Urkle, Granddaddy Purple is one of the most popular marijuana strains in California. It's a potent indica that induces a relaxing body buzz and has the sweet flavor of mixed berries and grapes.
Gelato - Hybrid
- One of the most popular marijuana strains in California is Gelato (AKA “Larry Bird”) which is a powerful blend of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies and Sunset Sherbet. Gelato is known for its fruity aroma and a sweet taste of berries, as well as its ability to relax the body while stimulating one's mind.
Jet Fuel - Hybrid
- Jet Fuel is a sativa-dominant hybrid. It’s an excellent strain for blasting off with some incredibly creative thoughts, especially for experienced smokers. It’s a great strain to use right when you wake up in the morning to get ready for the day. Jet Fuel is also great for late nights. It’s heavy odor and piney flavor make it more skunky than the average weed strain on this list. Keep that in mind if you’re trying to be discreet. Many users report feeling relief from chronic pain and depression while using Jet Fuel.
California Cannabis and Effects
BLUE DREAM | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
GIRL SCOUT COOKIE | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
SOUR DIESEL | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
OK KUSH | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
GREEN CRACK | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
JACK HERER | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
SKYWALKER OG | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
BUBBA KUSH | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
FIRE OG | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
SFV OG | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
GRANDDADDY PURPLE | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
GELATO | X | X | X | X | X | ||||
JET FUEL | X | X | X | X | X |
If you want to get up-close-and-personal with California Cannabis Plants then Book a Happy Travelers Tour today!
Where is Weed Legal Now?
Here at Happy Travelers Tours we get asked these questions frequently: "Where is weed legal" and “Is weed legal in California now?” and, of course, the answer to the second question is yes. However, we thought about it a bit more and started to ask ourselves, well, where IS marijuana legal in the United States now?
Where is marijuana legal in the United States?
Who would have thought that 33 states would legalize either medical or recreational marijuana in our lifetimes? With the possibility of the entire country following in the footsteps of Canada perhaps one day we will see a shining sea of green growing from coast to coast! One day, the answer to the question where is weed legal will be EVERYWHERE!
Chart of States with legal weed
So, where is weed legal? Below is our chart of States where weed is legal, sorted by frequently searched questions. So, you might want to know is marijuana legal in Texas, or is weed legal in Nevada and now, all you have to do is check out our legal weed chart. And, as of June 25, 2019, Illinois has become the 11th state to legalize recreational cannabis consumption!
Question | State | Is Medical Marijuana Legal | Is Recreational Cannabis Legal |
is marijuana legal in alaska | AK | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in alaska | AK | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in alabama | AL | No | No |
is weed legal in arkansas | AR | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in arkansas | AR | Yes | No |
is weed legal in arizona | AZ | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in arizona | AZ | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in arizona | AZ | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is recreational weed legal in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in california now | CA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is recreational marijuana legal in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in california now | CA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in california for recreational use | CA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana recreational in california | CA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in colorado | CO | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in colorado | CO | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in connecticut | CT | Yes | No |
is weed legal in dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in washington dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in washington dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is recreational weed legal in dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in washington dc | DC | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in delaware | DE | Yes | No |
is weed legal in florida | FL | Yes | No |
is weed legal in georgia | GA | No | No |
is marijuana legal in georgia | GA | No | No |
is medical marijuana legal in georgia | GA | No | No |
is weed legal in hawaii | HI | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in hawaii | HI | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in hawaii | HI | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in iowa | IA | No | No |
is weed legal in idaho | ID | No | No |
is marijuana legal in idaho | ID | No | No |
is marijuana legal in illinois | IL | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in illinois | IL | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in chicago | IL | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in indiana | IN | No | No |
is marijuana legal in indiana | IN | No | No |
is marijuana legal in kansas | KS | No | No |
is marijuana legal in kentucky | KY | No | No |
is weed legal in kentucky | KY | No | No |
is weed legal in louisiana | LA | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in louisiana | LA | Yes | No |
is weed legal in new orleans | LA | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in massachusetts | MA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in boston | MA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in mass | MA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in maryland | MD | Yes | No |
is weed legal in maryland | MD | Yes | No |
is weed legal in maine | ME | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in maine | ME | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in michigan | MI | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in michigan | MI | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in minnesota | MN | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in minnesota | MN | Yes | No |
is weed legal in missouri | MO | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in missouri | MO | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in montana | MT | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in Montana | MT | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in north carolina | NC | No | No |
is weed legal in north carolina | NC | No | No |
is medical marijuana legal in north carolina | NC | No | No |
is weed legal in nc | NC | No | No |
is medical weed legal in nc | NC | No | No |
is weed legal in north dakota | ND | Yes | No |
is pot legal in nebraska | NE | No | No |
is marijuana legal in new hampshire | NH | Yes | No |
is weed legal in new hampshire | NH | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in new jersey | NJ | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in new jersey | NJ | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in new mexico | NM | Yes | No |
is weed legal in new mexico | NM | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in nevada | NV | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in nevada | NV | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in las vegas | NV | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in las vegas | NV | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in vegas | NV | Yes | Yes |
is recreational weed legal in nevada | NV | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in las vegas | NV | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in new york | NY | Yes | No |
is weed legal in ohio | OH | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in ohio | OH | Yes | No |
is medical marijuana legal in ohio | OH | Yes | No |
is medical weed legal in ohio | OH | Yes | No |
is weed legal in oklahoma | OK | Yes | No |
is weed legal in oregon | OR | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in oregon | OR | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in oregon | OR | Yes | Yes |
is recreational weed legal in oregon | OR | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in pa | PA | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in pennsylvania | PA | Yes | No |
is weed legal in rhode island | RI | Yes | No |
is weed legal in south carolina | SC | No | No |
is marijuana legal in south carolina | SC | No | No |
is weed legal in sc | SC | No | No |
is cannabis legal in south dakota | SD | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in tennessee | TN | No | No |
is weed legal in tennessee | TN | No | No |
is weed legal in texas | TX | No | No |
is marijuana legal in texas | TX | No | No |
is pot legal in texas | TX | No | No |
is weed legal in utah | UT | Yes | No |
is marijuana legal in utah | UT | Yes | No |
is cannabis legal in virginia | VA | No | No |
is marijuana legal in virginia | VA | No | No |
is medical marijuana legal in virginia | VA | No | No |
is weed legal in vermont | VT | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in vermont | VT | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in washington | WA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in washington | WA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in seattle | WA | Yes | Yes |
is marijuana legal in washington state | WA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in washington state | WA | Yes | Yes |
is pot legal in washington | WA | Yes | Yes |
is weed legal in wisconsin | WI | No | No |
is marijuana legal in wisconsin | WI | No | No |
is marijuana legal in west virginia | WV | Yes | No |
is weed legal in wyoming | WY | No | No |
Where Can We Learn about Cannabis?
Where is marijuana legal? Here in California's 'Wine-and-Weed' Country! If you're looking to learn more about cannabis, consider a Happy Travelers Tour today!
If you want to get up-close-and-personal with cannabis plants and cannabis culture book a Happy Travelers Wine-and-Weed Tour today!
Sonoma County – an amazing place for Wine, Beer and Cannabis Tours
What is the size of the state of Rhode Island, has over 1,400 miles of county roads and is the number 1 wine destination in America? Sonoma County, California!
Most of us here at Happy Travelers Tours are Sonoma County born and raised and, as such, we have deep and well-established relationships with many of the folks in the Sonoma County Cannabis Industry. Taking a Happy Travelers Tours Wine-and-Weed Tour will put you up-close-and-personal with cannabis plants and the professionals who grow them.
Sonoma County is in Northern California
It's known for the Sonoma Valley wine region, as well as other notable winemaking areas such as the Dry Creek and Alexander valleys. It’s also home to countless Cannabis Grows and a burgeoning legal weed industry. The city of Sonoma is home to the 19th-century Mission San Francisco Solano and the central, colonial-era Sonoma Plaza. Near Glen Ellen, Jack London State Historic Park contains the gravesite and cottage of the American author, plus many trails.
In Sonoma County, there’s always a way to connect with the land. And with each other. Just 45 minutes north of San Francisco you can discover one of California’s top food and wine destinations. Hike among towering redwoods, cruise along rugged Pacific coastline and get to know inviting small towns. Or, just sit back and toke it all in. Life opens up in Sonoma County. Let us show you!
Northern Sonoma County
Do you want to spend an entire day in the Dry Creek Valley Wine Regional and Appellation, or maybe another of Sonoma County's 18 wine regions?
Perhaps you’re interested in visiting wineries, no matter the location, known for great Pinot Noir. Perhaps you’re looking for some locally produced Sonoma County Marijuana.
In general, a touring company specialist will listen to what you want and carefully and put together a tour that matches your desires. Give Happy Travelers Tours a call at 707-386-9859 and book one of our cannabis friendly Tours!
Southern Sonoma County
All of Sonoma County thrives on diversity however Southern Sonoma County seems to have just a bit more, from world-class wineries, breweries and cannabis grows to gourmet cheese makers and a world class race track.
The main grape growing regions here are Sonoma Valley and Carneros, where great Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and various other varieties happily grow in the rolling vineyards.
The Sonoma Valley, including Moon Mountain and Mount Veeder, are known for their microclimates affects on the cannabis strains grown there. One day, the Sonoma Valley Cannabis appellation will be visible on packages of marijuana grown in this region.
Plan plenty of extra time for the lively wineries of Southern Sonoma County. Ledson Winery in Kenwood pours rich wines in a nightmare vision of a 17th century Castle, and Keller Estate Winery in Petaluma leverages the cooling breezes from the Petaluma Gap to make structured, elegant wines. Head over to the Lagunitas Petaluma Brewery for brewery tours and on-tap beers. While you’re in Petaluma, make an appointment for a tour of the Achadinha Cheese Company, or look for their farmstead cheeses at many local restaurants and farmers markets.
When you’re in the Sonoma Valley, book a Cannabis Tour with Happy Travelers Tours and visit a 1 acre mountain top cannabis grow where you can get up-close-and-personal with marijuana plants.
Sonoma County
Only 30 miles north of San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, Sonoma County beckons the adventurous and the curious with more than 420 friendly wineries, farm-to-table restaurants, 40 spas, rivers to kayak or float down, Cannabis Tours, redwood forests to explore, boutiques and galleries that entice, and hiking and biking trails that meander over oak-covered hills.
With a mild Mediterranean climate, there is no bad time to visit Sonoma County. It’s a magical state of mind, a historic legacy, a leader in sustainable tourism, a home to California's beginnings, a mecca for the senses and a pastoral slice of paradise. The “sun grow” (or outdoor) cannabis season runs from late April to late October.
Come on up and take a tour, learn about the convergence of wine and weed and enjoying getting to know more about cannabis. You’ll learn the similarities between the process of growing wine grapes and outdoor cannabis flower.
You'll have a visit with a mobile retailer who’ll explain about the wide variety of cannabis products available. You’ll be able to browse and purchase items.
Sonoma County has no shortage of interesting things to do and see; tour companies offer everything from typical wine tasting tours, bird-watching excursions, guided nature walks and spa experiences. Now, thanks to Prop. 64, tourists and locals alike can add cannabis tours to their itineraries.
Just imagine the amazing experience of pairing fine wine and primo northern California cannabis in a fantastic adventure, in beautiful Sonoma Wine-and-Weed Country!
Book with Happy Travelers Tours and enjoy one of our many Cannabis-centric Tours! Call 707-386-9859 or email [email protected] for more information.
Terpenes, what the heck are Terpenes?
Terpenes (pronounced tur-peens), or terpenoids, are aromatic metabolites found in the oils of all plants.
There are more than 20,000 terpenes in existence and at least 100 produced by the cannabis plant. Terpenoid production evolved over time in plants, including cannabis, to attract pollinators and to act as defense compounds.

Female cannabis plants produce glandular trichomes, which are glands that look like small hairs or growths that protrude from the flowers and leaves. Trichomes house crucial compounds, including cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD), flavonoids, and terpenes.
When plants are handled delicately and the trichomes remain intact throughout collection and processing, you end up with excellent cannabis with strong and distinct flavors, colors, and smells.
To humans, terpenes act as natural guides to discovering which cannabis strains our endocannabinoid system is most likely to enjoy and gain a benefit from.
Terpene production is largely governed by abiotic factors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity (think about the fragrant scents of flowers at night time), and these factors are synthesized in response to stress.
Some soups can smell rich and meaty, while others can be delicate with herbal notes. If you can tell the difference between a goulash and a gazpacho, excellent! Your senses of smell and taste are working.
What you’re sensing in meals, fruits, flowers, and even cleaning products are terpenes.
These organic compounds that give plants flavor and smell (and the reason you can tell a difference between a coconut and a raspberry) are present in cannabis flowers, too. So let’s dive into what terpenes really are, how they behave, and how you can make informed decisions about terpene profiles when buying and consuming medical cannabis.
Here’s The Deal:
One of the most fun aspects of being a cannabis consumer or patient is the ability to smell the array of fragrances that the plant’s flowers produce. With scents ranging from fruity aromas to cheese-like smells, the cannabis plant can require the consumer to develop a level of familiarity and expertise with its unique makeup. So what exactly is behind these fragrances that trigger such connections? And what is it that makes them so unique?
What’s In a Name?
First, the words terpenes and terpenoids are often used interchangeably, although the meanings do vary. Terpenes are the naturally occurring combination of carbon and hydrogen, whereas terpenoids are terpenes that have been modified through a drying and curing process (chemical modification), altering the oxygen content of the compound. And, then there's: Trichomes.
Trichomes and Terpenes, What you Need to Know
In cannabis, terpenes are made in the trichomes of the plant. Trichomes are the shiny, sticky, mushroom-shaped crystals that cover the leaves and buds. Trichomes on cannabis act as a defense mechanism in nature, protecting the plant from insects and animals through the production of fragrant terpenes that repel these dangers. As humans, we smell these terpenes and can make inferences about the strain and possibly physiological effects that the strain may have.
Cannabis is an incredibly diverse plant regarding its biological makeup and potential benefits — and terpenes – are no exception. There are over 100 different identified terpenes in the cannabis plant, and while the differences can be subtle, much progress has been made in making classification of terpenes and their effects easy for patients and consumers to understand. Broadly, terpenes can be broken down into sweet, sour, spicy, or bitter — with each category further breaking down into more specific smells. These specific smells consist with certain strains, which in turn correlate to the effects of that plant. In fact, to help with this., many companies have produced terpene wheels to better help people understand this.
How Terpenes Affect your Mood
Here’s an example: A sour-smelling flower may have a strong lemon scent to it. Lemon scented strains are often correlated with strains like lemon skunk or lemon haze; these are zesty sativas that give the consumer a boost of energy and euphoria. With a better understanding of terpenes and how they relate to the scents that you are experiencing, you are able to come to certain conclusions about the plant in front of you by simply smelling it.
Here are some examples of Terpenes and what they do:
Limonene | You may be more familiar with terpenes than you realize. Considering our lemon example above, do you know what terpene a lemon scent refers to? Limonene. Limonene is not only characteristic of citrus-smelling cannabis but it’s also the exact terpene found in lemons and other citrus fruit rinds, like oranges and limes, giving them that fruity smell. Among other products, limonene is commonly used as a fragrant additive in cosmetics and cleaning supplies. Limonene is known for its powerful antifungal and antibacterial properties. It’s a natural insecticide on the cannabis plant and can even assist in treating toenail fungus in humans. Limonene is easily absorbed through inhalation and even improves absorption of other terpenes through the skin and body tissue, like mucous membranes and the digestive tract. Limonene is also known for its stress-relieving and mood-enhancing effects. |
Pinene | Can you guess where pinene is commonly found? That’s right — pine trees. Pinene actually comes in two types: alpha, which smells like pine needles and is the most commonly found terpene in nature, and beta, which smells like rosemary, basil, dill, or parsley. Pinene is also found in conifer trees, citrus peels, and turpentine. Pinene is a powerful bronchodilator, which helps improve airflow to lungs, making it a good option for those struggling with asthma. It’s also an anti-inflammatory and local antiseptic and has been used by cultures around the world for its healing properties for thousands of years. Pinene easily crosses the blood-brain barrier improving memory and alertness. It’s even said that pinene counters memory loss associated with THC. |
Myrcene | Commonly found in mangoes, hops, thyme, and lemongrass, myrcene is said to be one of the most abundant terpenes in cannabis. Myrcene is important because its presence determines whether a strain is indica or sativa. According to Steep Hill Labs, if a plant has more than 0.5% myrcene, it will produce indica-like effects. Anything less than 0.5% myrcene produces sativa-like effects. Myrcene is also known for its antibiotic, analgesic, and anti-mutagenic properties. |
Linalool | Linalool is commonly found in lavender and its aroma is light and floral. Widely known for the ability to reduce stress, linalool is used as an anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and sedative. Linalool is also used to relieve seizure symptoms and provide relief to those suffering from psychosis. From what we know, the potential benefits from terpenes are promising. These organic, naturally occurring compounds not only enhance and inform your cannabis experience but also offer great medicinal benefits to patients. Terpenes have been used for thousands of years by cultures around the world for their healing properties and as cannabis science expands, the possibilities to help more people becomes increasingly exciting. |
Bottom Line:
Terpene-based products are pushing the conversation about these compounds into the mainstream. Consumers are beginning to understand the correlation between terpenes and cannabinoids and their cannabis-consumption experience. The more sophisticated the consumer becomes, the more evolved the products on the shelves (and their marketing) will become.
What are terpenes?
When considering which cannabis strain to purchase, it’s helpful to start narrowing down your options, so:
- How do you generally want to feel (indica or sativa)?
- Are you looking more for a psychotropic high or for healing and calming?
- What flavors do you like/respond to (terpenes)?
All these questions come down to — how do you want to feel after consuming cannabis? These are just guideposts along the way to help you decide what you enjoy, prefer, and what your body responds best to.
Tip: Consider terpenes a connoisseurs’ approach to cannabis. In the same way that a wine lover would consider the blackcurrant notes in a Chilean merlot versus the crisp citrus of an unoaked Californian chardonnay.
Before modern research on cannabis and terpenes was conducted and legalization happened, many people decided on cannabis based on the typical characteristics and effects of indicas and sativas.
New research has now shown that terpenes significantly influence the flavor and smell of buds. They can also amp up, change, or lower the intensity and duration of effects for strains.
How terpenes work in the body
As we’ve mentioned, terpenes have their own effects apart from their relationship with cannabinoids, including inhibiting serotonin uptake and enhancing norepinephrine activity (acting as antidepressants), increasing dopamine (regulating emotions and pleasure experiences), and augmenting GABA (the “downer” neurotransmitter associated with relaxing effects).

More research needs to be done about the compounded therapeutic effect of terpenes with cannabinoids on the mind, emotions, and behavior of consumers.
Currently, the accepted knowledge is that terpenes compound or lighten the effects of cannabinoids THC and CBD (among others) by binding to endocannabinoid receptors and neurotransmitters and imitating compounds our bodies naturally produce (to regulate emotions, weight, health, etc). The FDA and other agencies have recognized terpenes as safe, but how could they not? They’d have to outlaw tomatoes and cinnamon if terpenes weren’t legal.
With research, cannabis scientists, growers, and enthusiasts are starting to tailor strains to use terpenes to balance the negative effects of cannabinoids – such as pinene balancing the short-term memory loss from high concentrations of THC.
Examples of terpenes found in cannabis
- Pinene (pine): Pinene is the most common terpene in the world, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It’s also found in orange peels, pine needles, basil, and parsley. It’s been known to counter short-term memory loss from THC, improve airflow to your lungs, and promote alertness.
- Myrcene (earthy, musky, fruity): Myrcene can be found in mangoes, hops, thyme, lemongrass, and basil, and is the most commonly found terpene in cannabis. It can compose up to 50 percent of a cannabis plant’s terpenes. Myrcene has also been shown to be useful as an anti-inflammatory, a sedative, and a muscle relaxer. Many indica strains have high levels of myrcene, which contribute to the tired/stoned feeling (if higher than 0.5% myrcene in a strain, it creates the “couch-lock” feeling in users).
- Limonene (citrus): Like its name suggests, limonene smells like lemons, oranges, mandarins, limes, and grapefruits. It’s also — interestingly enough — probably found in your favorite cleaning products or perfumes because of its’ citrusy scent. It’s been shown to elevate mood, relieve stress, and has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties to boot. It also improves absorption of other terpenes and chemicals through the skin, which makes it great in strains that you use for tinctures, ointments, and other topicals.
- Humulene (hoppy, earthy):Humulene is found in hops, coriander, cloves, and basil. It’s best known for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to suppress appetite (while many other strains only increase appetite).
- Linalool (floral, spicy):Linalool is found in flowers and spices like lavender and coriander, and is widely known for its stress-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and anti-depressant effects. The linalool terpene balances out the anxious side effects of THC, which makes it a useful treatment of both anxiety and psychosis. Some studies also suggest that linalool can boost the immune system and significantly reduce lung inflammation.
- Caryophyllene (peppery, spicy):Caryophyllene is found in thai basils, cloves, cinnamon leaves and black pepper. Studies show that it can help treat anxiety, depression, and act as an anti-inflammatory, which sounds like a big job to handle for one small terpene.
- Terpinolene (smoky + woodsy): Terpinolene can be found in sage and rosemary, and has slightly sedative, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties. It’s also been found to depress your central nervous system, and therefore induce drowsiness and reduce excitement or anxiety.
Flavonoids vs. terpenes
Flavonoids sound like flavors… but they’re actually the color-giving nutrients in living things. They’re also one of the largest nutrient families known to scientists at over 6,000 members.
Around 20 of these compounds have been identified in the cannabis plant, which is great because they’re also known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory health benefits.
Flavonoids are what gives cannabis plants a purple or brighter green color. Further research is needed to understand the role flavonoids can play for therapeutic cannabis treatments, but the research on terpenes is much further along.
Cooking with cannabis terpenes
When you cook at home, you don’t just throw anything in a pot and hope it turns out okay, right?
You look for recipes because pairing smells, tastes, and textures is important for the final experience. Then you go to the grocery store and look for that hot red, greenhouse-smelling on-the-vine tomato. The mango that smells luscious and almost too sweet. The cinnamon that’s spicy and warming.
Cooking with cannabis requires you to understand the different notes (terpenes) in strains. Controlling the temperature of any cannabis you cook is crucial, especially so when thinking about terpenes, because terpenes are extremely sensitive to heat and can be burned by overheating.
Our recommendation is to research your temperatures and avoid adding cannabis at the very beginning of a cooking process so you don’t burn valuable terpenes. Add your cannabis at the end of your cook instead. Since terpenes volatilize at temperatures similar to cannabinoids, you should cook under 100 degrees Celsius.
Whether you’re using cannabis oil, butter, a drink, or just vaping alongside your meal, you should find a strain with a complementary or similar flavor to your planned meal. Vaping along with eating lets the terpene flavors shine through without burning them off — and you can customize which terpenes you inhale by changing the temperature!
Making a tomato mozzarella salad and are missing a little basil? Look for a strain heavy on myrcene.
Want to intensify the flavor of your lemon salmon dish? Add a strain high in the terpene limonene to a dressing or butter.
And a berry cheesecake could pair nicely with a super floral linalool-heavy strain that you vape as you eat.
At the end of the day, it’s totally up to you how you wish to think about terpenes when you cook with cannabis — whether complementary or similar. As long as you remember that consuming cannabis high in THC in particular will only enhance your experience of the food pairings you’ve created.
Key point to remember: terpenes are to cannabis like “notes” are to wine.
Want to learn more? Read "Let's Take the Mystery out of CBD Oil"
Book your Happy Travelers Tour cannabis adventure today!
Content Disclosure
Some of the content in this post was written by authors who are not credited in this post. We apologize for any confusion.
Indica vs Sativa - Which to Choose?
Sativa vs Indica High
The two major types of cannabis plants are Indica and Sativa. Each strain has it's own range of effects on the body and mind resulting in a wide range of medicinal benefits. Indica strains generally provide a sense of deep body relaxation. Sativa strains tend to provide a more energizing experience. Indica vs Sativa Buds - how to choose?
Indica vs Sativa Buds
There are two major types of cannabis: sativa and indica. Indica vs Sativa is a personal choice and both can we used for optimal results in different circumstances.
The big difference between the two types of cannabis is that they have opposite effects once consumed. So whether you are consuming cannabis for recreational or medical reasons, you will want to use the a strain that causes the desired effects. It is also worth noting that cannabis effects individuals slightly differently based on your weight, your consumption frequency, the source of the strain, and many other factors. Here are some cannabis basics to get you on the right path.
Sativa Weed
Physically speaking, a true sativa plant will be tall, usually between 8 and 18 feet high, with thin leaves. Sativas originate from the warm climates of Mexico, Central America, and Southeast Asia and they thrive outdoors in the heat.
When you consume a sativa strain you might feel: energized, thoughtful, focused, generally awesome and uplifted, with a stimulated head high. Sativas also have a lighter, more fruity aroma. In other words, if you want to be social, clean your house, have brilliant ideas, or manage to accomplish anything at all, sativas are your go-to.
Indica Weed
Indica plants are typically short and stout and have full-figured, wider leaves. Indicas are native to Hindu Kush range in the Himalayas, so they are much more tolerant of cold and inclement weather than sativas. To protect itself from the cold weather of the Himalayas, the plant developed the ability to product cannabinoid-dense resin to protect itself. This resin is also the reason that indicas have high levels of THC and can be very potent.
On the other hand, if you consume an indica, a.k.a “in-da-couch” you might feel sleepy, relaxed, pain relief, and it can also reduce nausea, increase appetite (munchies) and fight depression. If you are trying to watch a movie, eat a Costco-sized bag of Sun Chips and have the best slumber of your life, indica is where it is at.
Cannabis Indica High
Typically, cannabis Indica plants are short, bushy plants with wide leaves. Indica plants typically grow faster and have a higher yield than the sativa variety. Medicine produced from cannabis Indica plants have higher CBD and lower THC counts.
Cannabis Sativa High
Cannabis Sativa plants are opposite of the Indica strains and grow tall and thin with narrow leaves. Sativa plants are also generally a lighter shade of green then their counterpart, the Indica strain. Sativa strains take longer to grow, mature, and require more light. Medicine produced from cannabis Sativa plants have lower CBD and higher THC counts.
Everything is a Hybrid
Just like wine, there's complexity in cannabis and, thanks to creative people who love genetics, the world of cannabis is awash in Hybrids. Not only between Indica and Sativa, but also crossing CBD (hemp) and THC (cannabis). Here are examples:
- Indica x Indica
- Indica x Sativa
- Sativa x Sativa
- Sativa x Indica
Now, mix in THC by CBD and you can get something like this:
Indica (THC) | Sativa (THC) | Indica (CBD) | Sativa (CBD) | |
Indica THC | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Sativa THC | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Indica CBD | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Sativa CBD | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Sativa Indica Hybrid High
With more than 1,000 strains of cannabis having been bred during the past several decades, it is critical that patients are aware of the different types of efficacy available to them in terms of cannabis medicine. Some varieties of cannabis are most appropriate for particular diseases and ailments, but not others. Choosing the right strain is critical to ensuring that patients receive the best therapy possible.
Cannabis Strain Comparison Chart
· Plants are Taller and Slimmer · Leaves are Longer and Thinner | · Plants are Shorter and Bushier · Leaves are Shorter and Wider |
Head High: Alertness, Uplifting and Euphoric, Creativity and Increased Energy | Body High: Relaxation, Appetite Stimulator, Sleep Aid, Pain Relief |
· Anti Anxiety | · Increase mental relaxation |
· Anti-depressant | · Muscle relaxation |
· Treats chronic pain | · Decreases nausea |
· Increases focus and creativity | · Decreases acute pain |
· Increases serotonin | · Increases appetite |
· Increases dopamine | |
Best for Daytime Use | Best for Nighttime Use |
Landrace Cannabis Strains and Heirlooms
Landrace strains are those that evolved naturally within their native environments. Because they weren’t bred and aren’t hybrids, landrace strains offer a very pure example of sativa or indica, with no interference from humans. In fact, landrace strains are typically 100 percent indica or sativa, the result of tens of thousands of years of inbreeding in a particular weather climate and geography.
Heirlooms are landrace strains that have been grown outside of their native environment, such as plants or seeds professionally grown in Illinois that originated on the other side of the world. While sought for their pure indica or sativa characteristics, such strains lose some of their unique characteristics when grown outside the climate in which they evolved.
Examples of landrace strains include Durban Poison, a sativa from South Africa; Afghan Indica, from Afghanistan; Malawi Gold, a sativa from Southeastern Africa; and Panama Red, a sativa from the country that bears its name.
Landrace sativas appear in Asia, Anatolia, and Northern Africa. These climates provide the long summers and intense sun in which such strains have evolved and adapted to thrive. Indicas are located in Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan. Such strains will not reach their potential if grown within indoor or outdoor conditions that don’t match those of their native environment.
Eastern Europe, the Himalayan region of India, and Siberia are home to ruderalis landrace strains and are among the least desired of these naturally evolved plants. Often, as in the Himalayas, such plants are used to create traditional hand-rolled hash, with impoverished villagers in such regions subsisting on black market sales of the concentrate that eventually appears in smoking cafes throughout Europe.
What Determines Sativa or Indica Buds? It’s all about the terpenes!
Readers have already learned that the sometimes pungent aromas produced by many strains of cannabis are the result of terpenes, the special molecules in the herb that are similar in many respects to cannabinoids like THC and CBD.
While many might guess that a particular strain of cannabis is categorized as indica, sativa, or hybrid based on the presence or absence of a particular cannabinoid, or a cannabinoid in a particular volume, it is actually a terpene that determines this important status of a strain.
Myrcene, the most common terpene in cannabis, is known to help patients sleep, battling conditions like anxiety and insomnia. If present in a specific strain in a volume greater than 0.5 percent, the strain is considered an indica. If the amount of myrcene is under one half of one percent, then the strain is deemed a sativa.
This dynamic is a good example of the entourage effect, a theory that cannabinoids and terpenes work together in harmony to deliver medicinal efficacy to patients. Many terpenes buffer or enhance the effects of major cannabinoids like THC.
Indica vs Sativa Buds - Now What?
Do you want to learn more about Indica and Sativa? Would you like to get up close and personal with some cannabis plants? Join Happy Travelers Tours and Book your Wine-and-Weed Tour now!
Edible Marijuana Dosage Chart
The days of your Momma’s edible marijuana brownies are way behind us – we’ve moved into a new era for edible marijuana. Everything from candy to salad dressing to infused beverages – eating cannabis is easier than ever, and that means, it’s time to get familiar with edible dosage and their effect.
Edible Cannabis: How to Choose
Edible Gummies. Edible weed gummies Edible brownies. Edible weed candy. Edible cookies. Eating edibles. And this list doesn’t even include drinking infused beverages! Bottom line: there are lots of ways to consume edible marijuana but the one thing you have to remember is: if you eat too much, you’re going to be very high. And sometimes, being THAT high just isn’t much fun.
So, you have to pay attention to the dosage amount, as well as what it is you’re actually eating. A brownie tastes good and once you’re washed it down with a glass of milk you must MIGHT want to eat another – it’s DOES taste good.
As Yoda says: Underestimate weed edibles … super high you will be!
Are edibles bad for you?
Oh hyperbole, it’s always great to hear from you. Are edibles bad for you? It’s an interesting question which deserves a few moments to consider.
When you eat cannabis, you have to account for the time it takes to digest what you’ve eaten, how ‘strong’ the dose is and what else you’ve got in your stomach. My personal preference is to smoke or vape cannabis as I can better control how high I’m getting more immediately.
When you eat an edible, you’re going to have to take the ride, as it were. And, then there’s always the chance you’ll decide you’re not feeling high and so you might eat MORE before you’re really feeling it – this can lead to lost afternoons.
Edible High Feeling and Dosage Chart
Here is a convenient edible dosage chart which also describes the effect of the edible high feeling and relates it to alcohol for reference:
2 MG | Threshold of psychoactivity for infrequent users. Very little to no impairment. |
2.5 MG | Most report psychoactivity equal to a glass of wine or a beer. Doses in this range are popular for social anxiety, encouraging the munchies, and focus. |
5 MG | Nearly all occasional users will note significant psychoactivity. Significant appetite stimulation. Mild psychoactivity, akin to two to three glasses of wine. |
10 MG | Strong psychoactivity for most occasional users. Significant distraction from pain. This dose is often recommended by physicians to stem nausea from chemotherapy. This is the strongest dose currently allowed to be sold by dispensaries in California. |
15 MG | Most occasional users report uncomfortable levels of psychoactivity at this dose. Regular users of cannabis do not. |
100 MG | The most potent edible available in Colorado dispensaries. This is ten times the maximum THC content of the edibles permitted by law to be sold in California adult-use cannabis shops. |
Read more about Edible Pot here
To learn more (and get up-close-and-personal with cannabis plants, Book a Happy Travelers Tour now! Or, to enjoy a CBD-infused Tea and Treats Experience, check out our High Tea Experience!